Teacher Training Weekend 4: Arm Balances, Finishing Poses, Savasana/Anatomy of the Upper Body, Arms and Shoulders

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$300.00 Teacher Training Weekend Module

This workshop is for Yoga Alliance registered yoga teachers who are looking for continuing education (RYT CE) hours. One weekend module is 17 hours. If you wish to register for the full teacher training and receive your 200 hour certification, then register here instead. Each teacher training weekend module meets:

Fridays 6:00-9:30pm (3.5 hours)

Saturday 12:00-7 pm (7 hours)

Sundays 12:00-6:30 pm (6.5 hours)


Weekend 1: 10/1-10/3

Centering, Warm Ups and Taking your Seat

Weekend 2: 10/15-10/17

Standing and Balancing/Anatomy of Leg and Pelvis

Weekend 3: 10/29-10/31

Forward Bends, Backbends and Twists; Anatomy of the Spine

Weekend 4: 11/5-11/7

Inversions, Arm balances, Finishing Poses (seated) and Savasana; Anatomy of the Upper Body, Arms and Shoulders

Weekend 5: 11/19-11/21

Transitions and Sequencing, Bandhas, Anatomy of the “Core”

Weekend 6: 12/10-12/12

Cueing, Assisting, Modifications and Props

Weekend 7: 12/17-12/19

Restorative and Yin; Anatomy of Connective Tissues

Weekend 8: 1/7-1/9

Specialty Yoga: Prenatal, Gentle Yoga (Seniors, Chair, Special Conditions)

Weekend 9: 1/21-1/23

Teaching for Anatomy, Subtle Body (Nadis, Chakras, Ayurveda, Doshas)

Weekend 10: 2/4-2/6

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, Yamas and Niyamas, Yoga Sutras

Weekend 11: 2/18-2/20

Ethics of teaching yoga; Business of yoga

Weekend 12: 3/4-3/6

Final Teaching

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